
Monday 18 July 2016

Couch to 5k - week 4

Week four is where the running starts to get really difficult. I actually felt like I started to experience what it is like to do some "proper" running rather than the very short bursts we'd been doing up to now.

On run one of this week I had misunderstood how many runs there were in the session, we did three minutes, followed by five minutes and then three minutes, at which point I thought we'd finished and I started to figure out the best route home at which point the woman, who I absolutely detest, by the way, chirped back up and said I'd got to do another five minutes. I was absolutely devastated. I spent the 30 seconds before the running section started completely inconsolable, I kept repeating over and over that I couldn't do it and it was impossible. I started up and I did actually manage it, which I was really proud about. The sense of accomplishment at completing something really difficult overrode any pain or discomfort that I felt when I was out there. I think this was the first time I’d come across a mental challenge where it was mind that was letting me down rather than my body. This may be more difficult than the physical challenge.

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