
Friday, 1 May 2015

A fresh start

I'm a teacher (for money) and a youth worker (for fun - usually). When I'm not working I'm spending my time having a lot of fun playing in my newly purchased house which I share with my boyfriend and an extraordinary number of plants.

This is a fresh start on a new website due to an unfortunate mishap with my original blog. I do have a reasonably established blog with my own URL but I'm still waiting to regain access to it. I'm working on the logic that as soon as you go to the toilet in a restaurant my food will arrive and therefore, if I start a new blog then the old one will come back. Don't burst my bubble, I like the delusion.

I want to use this as a place to collect things, I'm not overly interested in other people reading it or liking it. If I feel like making it pink with red writing then I shall. I want to collect the progress I made toward making my garden look something like all of the Pintrest pins I waste hours looking at.
Things are always better with a cup of good coffee
I also want to compile my work towards improving the learning experience for my student and my strive towards that elusive 'consistently outstanding' gold standard.

Finally I want to drink lots of coffee and focus on the fun things I do in my spare time and assemble everything on here instead of being an annoying Facebook spammer.

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