
Friday 29 May 2015

Garden evolution, Part 2 - Greenhouses

The original rip - and I'd thought this was bad...
For Christmas Tom's dad bought us this tent style greenhouse. It was a pretty awesome place to be but, understandably it did not stand up very well to storms. About two weeks after we put it up there was a big storm and the roof ripped right open, so I decided, no matter, I'll repair it. I took it down on Friday night, sewed it all day Saturday and then put it back up on Sunday.

I then proceeded to fret about the damn thing at even the hint of a breeze. About three weeks after that we did have a very big storm again and the whole thing ripped to pieces. The only thing left in tact was the repair I had made the previous weeks - so that was a little tiny win.

I was pretty gutted in all honesty, a lot of my baby seedlings had been smashed and thrown on the floor as it had blown over and the garden looked very bare and a little sad without it. Thankfully my very generous cousin and her husband were on hand with a replacement. This was a massive turn up for the books because I truly believe that my sanity and the little growing space outside the house are intrinsically linked.

Below is the current incarnation, a more traditional affair but far less likely to blow away and end up in Kansas.

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