
Sunday 13 December 2015

Beautiful carrots

This year we had a go at growing carrots. As our veg patch was, until only a few months ago, under several tonnes of gravel the soil was no where near smooth enough to plant in the ground so instead I made up two 56 litre potato planting bags with a 50/50 mix of potting compost and sharp sand for good drainage and lot of wiggle room for the developing root system. I was paranoid about carrot fly so I kept them under a light mesh in the greenhouse.

The seeds germinated pretty quickly but then failed to mature. At the end of November I did a big clear out of the greenhouse because it was the end of the growing season. I honestly thought that they'd failed so I turfed them out of the greenhouse to die back so I could use the soil for mulching. I was a bit disappointed with the failure of the experiment.

I was amazed when I went back last weekend and found these beautiful little carrots. I was so pleased and I'd consider starting them much earlier next year and possibly keep them outside so I could do more containers.

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