
Sunday 24 April 2016

My YouTube channel

I've been investing a fair amount of time recently in producing revision videos for YouTube. My grand summer plan is to get the videos sorted for all of the topics I teach.

Instead of posting each video here which, if you're not a law student is not going to be terribly exciting, I've decided just to link to my YouTube channel. It includes all of the videos as I put them on, as well as some weird and wonderful Youth Club stuff as well as videos of chickens, which everyone likes.

My YouTube Channel can be found here.

Friday 22 April 2016

I'm a trainee teacher and I need help...

I've been at this teaching thing for four years now and I've learnt more in that time than I have in the rest of my life combined. I've also made more mistakes than at any other time.

Training to be a teacher is far more difficult than I think anyone ever imagines it to be. We've all been taught by a wide range of teachers who influence the practitioner that we become. We've had a "bad" teacher who is really struggling and we vow never to make the same errors as them. We also have the "good" teachers who make it all look effortless and they are the ones who lead us to the conclusion that we too can be like them.

I'm not expert teacher and I regularly make mistakes but I do want to contribute some answers for the benefit of trainee teachers and newly qualified teachers to reinforce that you are not alone in the struggles that you're having. 

Wednesday 20 April 2016


It's been a while, in the interim I've had a horrible flu like bug that I suspect was actually full blow flu and I ended up taking more time off work than I've ever taken before. Being ill was surprisingly time consuming.

But after being ill we got some new additions which I am very excited about.

We have not  been imaginative at all with names. The white one is a white star called Whitey. The brown one is a crested leg bar called Brownie and the grey one is a speckledy breed and we called her, you guessed it, Speckledy.

The original plan was to call them all cute little girl names so that I could treat them like real children and no one would think it strange when I spoke about them. If I'd said: "I've got to get home because Anna-May is not feeling very well" no one would think that odd, the same cannot be said if I now say "I've got to get home on time, the white chicken is all over the place".

We've had them since Saturday and I think Brownie and Speckledy are settling in quite well. White Stars are apparently a notoriously flighty breed and so Whitey is taking longer to calm down, as you can see in the video.