
Wednesday 20 April 2016


It's been a while, in the interim I've had a horrible flu like bug that I suspect was actually full blow flu and I ended up taking more time off work than I've ever taken before. Being ill was surprisingly time consuming.

But after being ill we got some new additions which I am very excited about.

We have not  been imaginative at all with names. The white one is a white star called Whitey. The brown one is a crested leg bar called Brownie and the grey one is a speckledy breed and we called her, you guessed it, Speckledy.

The original plan was to call them all cute little girl names so that I could treat them like real children and no one would think it strange when I spoke about them. If I'd said: "I've got to get home because Anna-May is not feeling very well" no one would think that odd, the same cannot be said if I now say "I've got to get home on time, the white chicken is all over the place".

We've had them since Saturday and I think Brownie and Speckledy are settling in quite well. White Stars are apparently a notoriously flighty breed and so Whitey is taking longer to calm down, as you can see in the video.

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